Confessions of an Info-junkie

It’s an affliction. I’m convinced of it. I’ve always been a bit of a late bloomer. I didn’t learn to swim until I was 21. Not because I didn’t have strong arms or legs or the desire. I was deathly afraid of water. I couldn’t even shower without  gasping for air when the water washed

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Green Tea or Anomaly

Green Tea or Anomaly? I woke up this morning ready to greet the day with grace and gusto but shortly after my feet hit the floor I could tell I was in for a challenge. My head was pounding—very rare for me. I can’t even remember the last time I said, “Not now, honey, I

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Energy Leaks

Energy Leaks I remember answering the phone one sunny winter morning. The eager voice at the other end asked, “Could you deliver a talk for our employees on eating for energy?” I told her I’d be happy to craft that talk, hung up the phone, and sat down to write my proposal. A wave of

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Earthquakes & Hurricanes, Flash Floods, Oh My!

What a week. Earthquakes, hurricanes, flash flooding—oh my! Tuesday afternoon my house vibrated furiously as I desperately tried to finish cranking out an email. Couldn’t let a little vibration stop me. When I look back on that afternoon I have to kind of pause at the somewhat comical sequence of events that took place in

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