
Safety has always been high on my priority list. I’m not sure where that comes from, exactly, but I suspect it has something to do with my dad. He was always very concerned with safety. His and ours. My dad drove to the Boulevard Mall in a blizzard (many blizzards) to clean off my car

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The Autoimmune Epidemic

I remember it well. I was standing in the checkout line in a Borders book store, glancing at the books that adorned the table in front of me. First, a little back story. I had been watching my thyroid scores closely for about two years because I had been told I was “becoming” hypothyroid. I had

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What’s She Reading?

I am a lover of words. And pages that turn. I spent most of my childhood lost in a book. It was safer there. I can remember saving up my allowance and counting the nickels and dimes in anticipation of the next Nancy Drew book I would hold in my hands. It’s funny, I see

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Dinner, A Love Story (Not Always)

I am a huge fan of foodie memoirs. I am a huge fan of just about any kind of memoir but if there is food involved, I’m thrilled. I remember a day, about a decade ago. I was sitting in a chair across from my therapist and she looked at me with this BIG look

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Elements of an Internet Cleanse

It began with a striking realization that I was spending way too much time on Facebook. We have this love hate relationship, Facebook and I. I love the connection it brings me. I love checking in with friends and fans and colleagues. I do not love falling into the rabbit hole. When that happens, the

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Grandma’s Kitchen

I woke up to the smell of bacon in my kitchen this morning and I smiled at how comforting I find that aroma even though I rarely eat bacon. It reminds me of childhood and breakfasts that lingered. Weekend breakfasts. And the smell of coffee in a percolator. Remember those? They produced the best sounds.

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The Wisdom Tooth Diet

I’m celebrating the successful extraction of my wisdom teeth. I had been agonizing the potential loss of these teeth for well over a year. My dentist said, “They need to come out.” I sought a second opinion. The oral surgeon said, “Well, as long as they’re not bothering you, I say leave them in. At

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Bad Things, Good People

I’ve been taken to my knees a few times this past year. Sandy Hook left me weeping. Uncontrollably at times. I am a highly sensitive individual. I’m also a former first grade teacher. That tragedy cracked me open on so many levels. I couldn’t write. I had great difficulty planning my programs and curating recipes

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Chronicling the Crone

I looked in the mirror tonight and I saw a woman with clear steel gray eyes, a beautifully defined collar bone, and hair claiming the color of the crone. And she was beautiful and I bowed to her. Because I don’t EVER remember looking in the mirror and seeing Beauty. In fact, I don’t ever

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Launch Weary

True story. Yesterday I spent the better part of an afternoon crafting a newsletter to my community. In it I attempted to describe the five most important insights I had gained in my personal well-nourished woman journey. Tough to distill it down to five but I thought I did a pretty good job. I pressed

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