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Writer, teacher, daughter, wife, seeker

My journey into the life of a Well-Nourished Woman has been humble

and brave.

I invite you to join me as I continue the quest.

This program reflects all that I have learned about what it means to

celebrate food,

access and embody creativity,

set healthy boundaries,

honor my voice, and

cultivate the life of a Well-Nourished Woman.

It reflects a deeper wisdom about the meaning of nourishment.


In this Circle. . .

You’ll cultivate the soil in which a well-nourished woman blossoms.

The well-nourished woman has many facets. She is intellectually curious, creative and complex.

morning light_opt

You’ll compose a nourishment story that includes

a delicious

fully expressed life.

You’ll discover. . .





nature of the food you eat.


You’ll become. . .

the Picasso of Your Plate.


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This is not another nutritional “know-how” program that will sit on your internet shelf collecting pixel dust.


It’s an opportunity to take back your plate.




You see, I believe. . .

We have become largely unconscious in our approach to food. And life.

We spend far too much time ignoring the gut-wrenching sadness that has us reach for a box of cookies instead of the telephone.

We spend far too much time mindlessly eating at the counter or in front of a computer . . . and we call that “living.”

We spend far too much time following someone else’s prescription.

It’s time to stop listening to the cacophony of advice that greets us in glossy magazines or ‘expert’ interviews.



It’s time to start cultivating & trusting our inner wisdom.

Around food

And nourishment




We’ll begin with the pretty little journal nestled in your bookshelf.

You know, the one with the empty pages just waiting to be filled with wondrous words.

Your words.

I know what you’re thinking.

There simply isn’t enough time in the day to write this new nourishment story.

I invite you to reconsider.


This series is for you if you are. . .

fun-loving You love to laugh and you aren’t afraid to cry.

open-minded You can’t wait to expand your food repertoire with fresh, seasonal ingredients.

intelligent You’re ready to become your own nutritionist, one luscious bite at a time.

curious You’re willing to dabble in a little reading, writing, thinking, and reflecting. Doodles are fine.

creative You have an artful eye and you can’t wait to bring that aesthetic sensibility to your plate.


Here’s what you can look forward to:

TheContentExpect body wisdom with a splash of science.

Reflective moments.

A whisper journal.


Only the best chocolate.

And a wise and wonderful guide at your side ushering you into a more delicious, fully expressed life.

savvy science

The topics that keep us up at night, literally. Hormones, weight loss resistance, inflammation, food sensitivities, stress management.

How do we retain a delicious approach to eating when we’re faced with so many complex nutritional dilemmas? GMOs, food sensitivities, vitamin deficiencies. Oh my!

• Intuitive Eating
• Hormones
• Detoxification
• Myths that Keep You Overweight & Undernourished
• Inflammation
• Body Wisdom


artful eating

This is where I expand your culinary universe with foods and flavors that are not only healthier and more wholesome, but far more nourishing.

Body and soul kind of nourishing.


• Flavor Balancing
• Artful Eating
• Culinary Rock Star Habits
• Kitchen Rhythm
• Sprinkle, Splash, Swirl & Savor™
• Loving What You Eat





For me, the most powerful element in our Inner Circle is the intimate space we hold for each other as the journey unfolds. Twelve weeks to integrate and embody new and delicious lifestyle changes.

Sustainable changes take time. Expect time.

Our private Facebook forum is a secret, safe, and supportive environment in which to share our stories, our celebrations, and our struggles. We’ll hold space for each other as we play in our kitchens, deepen our relationship to self care, romp around the block with our cameras, and embrace or reclaim our creative spirits.



As much as I love the food facet of this series, I love the conversations even more.
They’re rich. Prepare to be stimulated and inspired.

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“To no longer measure my self-worth by a number on a scale feels revolutionary…”

I never thought I had an issue with body image, but as I’ve grown older, the number on the scale scale crept up and I started getting panicky. I did fasts, cleanses, detoxes and even HCG to shed the excess weight, and it always came back.In Sue Ann’s program I decided to call off the battle with my body and instead, surrender to what it was trying to tell me: Sleep more. Eat green things. Slow down. I did this by doing the OPPOSITE of what I thought I needed. I ate what I wanted. I stopped feeling guilty. I stopped telling everyone what I was going to do to lose weight so they wouldn’t judge me. And I stopped weighing myself. To no longer measure my self-worth by a number on the scale feels revolutionary, and frankly, somewhat radical in our culture which is so focused on what size you are, what you weigh, what you look like. I loved being on a journey with other women putting down arms, calling a truce and allowing ourselves to love our bodies. This felt radical. To love my body regardless of size or shape. To love that I am alive and healthy and have all my limbs in tact. To love food and to nourish myself and not cheat my body of what it really needs.This and more is what Sue Ann taught us, with a ton of love, care and encouragement and one of the most soothing voices I have ever heard.

Laura Gates | Leadership Coach
San Rafael, CA


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blank“I am experimenting and playing in the kitchen for the first time in years.”

I signed up for Sue Ann’s Inner Circle because, as a busy entrepreneur, I noticed how easy it was for me to forget to eat. I had come to see food as a source of fuel rather than something to embrace and enjoy. Although my overall health was good, I was facing skin issues and breakouts for the first time in my life. I signed up for Sue Ann’s class to bring more mindfulness and pleasure to eating and to learn some of the science behind food and nutrition so I could make better decisions for myself, both at the grocery store and in the kitchen.

I am aware of my rhythm around eating. I have introduced new items into my diet and tried lots of new, all natural, healthy and yummy recipes. I enjoyed having a place to exchange ideas, recipes, experiments, wins, and struggles in our private Facebook forum.

Sue Ann is a teacher at heart and she presents a wealth of material in this four-month tele-course. I filled a 2-inch binder with all of the handouts, recipes, articles and inspiration she sent us! Sue Ann honors the art and science of eating and facilitates the teleclasses and Facebook group with enthusiasm. She responds to questions as soon as we post them and makes on-the-spot suggestions.

Sue Ann’s joy with regard to food is contagious. She invites you to experiment, play, and check in with your body.

As a result of this course, I am experimenting and playing in the kitchen for the first time in years. Although I had already cut out 80-90% of processed foods a few years ago, I am now reading labels and minimizing foods with ingredients I can’t pronounce. I am noticing my satiety and hunger more often, when I never used to notice it at all. I am drinking and loving green smoothies and getting more fluids into my body than ever before, with ease. I am less rigid about following food rules and paying more attention to what my body enjoys. I am listening to my intuition when it comes to food, supplements, and other areas of self-care. This course offers a window not only into how you “do food” but in how you live your life. If there is anything about your food life that seems off in any way, Sue Ann’s work will take you to a whole new level.

Laurie T. Rosenfeld, JD, MA
Seattle, WA


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“I signed up for this program because I was tired of talking about about eating healthy foods. I wanted to start eating them.”

I can’t speak highly enough of the Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle! It has been life changing to say the least. I signed up for Sue Ann’s program because I was tired of talking about eating healthy foods. I wanted to start eating them. I would order fairly healthy meals when I ate out, but I never took the time to prepare them at home. Sue Ann helped me see that cooking for myself could be just as easy and a lot more cost effective! Not only have I started buying more fruits and vegetables, I’ve actually been USING them. Before the Inner Circle, I’d buy things like cabbage, lettuce, and fruit, and they’d go bad because I’d choose macaroni and cheese and candy over the good stuff.Thanks to the Well-Nourished Woman, kale is now a staple in my house, one that we eat or drink (Yes, I drink kale in my green smoothies!!) on a daily basis. But the greatest success was introducing my husband and children to a healthier lifestyle. One night, my husband, who hates the word “healthy” and always asks me to fry his steak in butter, said, “Would you make me some of those quinoa stuffed peppers? They were great. Why do you make the fancy stuff for yourself? You need to start cooking like this for ME!” Music to my ears!!!!?? Sue Ann is a fabulous coach. She is not only an expert in nutrition, she is an expert in understanding how we feel about food and our bodies and helping us get really comfortable with the roadblocks we face. I loved listening to the calls and hearing Sue Ann’s reassuring voice. This program has been a blessing, not only to me, but to my family as well. Thank you, Sue Ann for inspiring my love affair with kale.

Rachel Luna | Certified Life Coach
Twentynine Palms, CA


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“I have learned to eat consciously and be gentle and loving with myself.”

Sue Ann – I leave your course grateful and strong, so thankful to you for paving a pathway for women that is expansive and delicious, full of languid curves and hidden vistas, a path that extends far into the future for the long journey that all true recovery (and real & luscious living!) requires. As a teacher and coach you exude patience and loving gentleness – which allows the scared and hurting parts inside us to peer out, maybe even risk taking a step out into the open, trusting that yes, it is safe to do so.I have learned to eat consciously and be gentle and loving with myself. I enjoy green smoothies for breakfast (get kidded a lot about kale) and recognize an increased willingness to try new foods and taste combinations. Thank you. Your course (and coaching) inspired me to explore some inner demons I would not have looked at, otherwise. You allowed me to choose. Do I share my food story privately or publicly? You called it, “brave writing,” so healing, so necessary to move past decades of shame and self-loathing. THANK YOU!Do I eat pretzels and ice cream at night on occasion? Yes. Do I eat Kashi protein logs/cereal kibble? Nope – not anymore. Do I bless each meal reverently, sometimes aloud, sometimes silently? Yes. Do I forgive myself stumbles? Yes. Am I listening to my body more? Absolutely yes. I check in more often – what does my body want? What does it need? Thank you for the brave pioneering and willingness to share your insights and knowledge with all of us…so grateful our life paths crossed.

Colleen Nolan
Naperville, IL


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For me, the Well-Nourished Woman journey had many layers. I believe that how we do one thing is how we tend to do all things. So I chose to look at the way I was approaching food as a mirror for how I was living my life.Sue Ann’s basic tenant, “Eat Only What You Can Savor,” is helping me see that I have way too much on my plate. Always have. The question I asked myself again and again in her series was, “But HOW can I put less on my plate when I love so much?” That key word, “savor,” just kept coming back to me.During the three months in her program I visited two ill parents while I was finishing up a Master’s course. It was an emotional season dealing with family and friends from Boulder, Colorado who dealt with the flooding. Then, my youngest asked me to take him to Montana to visit a college. I wish I could say this whirlwind of travel and support was unique, but as I reflect over my life, this is not uncommon. I am a person who cares for others and I like doing it.What I learned here is: as long as I can savor the caring. Just as chocolate gets old and tired when I eat too much, caring for others gets burdensome too. I become resentful and grumpy. I act out of tune with my organic nature.

I am very naturally a giver. I am exceedingly good at it.

Until I over do it.

Just like too much food, too much exercise or too much schooling. Everything can start out lovely. And, as long as I am basking in the beauty, all is well.

I encourage you to let yourself savor Sue Ann’s luscious voice and the wisdom of her teachings. I didn’t even know what I wanted to learn until I arrived. I simply felt warmed by her presence.

Rebecca Mullen
Mesa, Colorado


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“Your body wisdom approach was exactly what I needed to adopt a different way of thinking and to ultimately commit to my own nourishment and health.”

I’ve been waiting for someone who is committed to women loving themselves, someone who has “been there,” AND someone who has really immersed herself in both the science and the emotional reality of women’s psyches regarding food, body image and self-care. Wow. I am bowled over by your knowledge, your ability to teach, and your gentle encouragement. Your body wisdom approach was exactly what I needed to adopt a different way of thinking, and to ultimately (and truly) commit to my own nourishment and health. It’s time. It’s time for me, and it’s time that ‘all’ women have access to someone like you.

Mary Schaefer | President, Artemis Path, Inc.
Philadelphia, PA


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“I regenerated to a whole new level of health changing destructive legacy patterns to self nourishment LIFE patterns.”

YOU, Sue Ann Gleason, supported me through one of the most critical phases of my new entrepreneurship. I was exhausted, getting 6 or less hours of sleep and on high adrenaline surges from both the stress and excitement of learning so many new systems/programs, along with the sheer terror of putting myself so fully “out there”! ??Hearing about and following your unique and deliciously DIVINE approach to self care through your newsletters, I eventually signed up for your Inner Circle program. I. Was. SAVED! Literally!From incredible SIMPLE healthy DELICIOUS recipes and skills that changed my palette (and my family’s) forever! to learning how to weave in MEcations and unique approaches to exercise. I regenerated to a whole new level of health, changing destructive legacy patterns to whole self nourishment LIFE patterns! YOU (and your approach) ROCK, Sue Ann! ??I have had in-depth experience with a LOT of health diets over the years. I do not want extremes anymore. How ironic that the NON-extreme Tao is the healthiest. YOURS! Saved me!?? And crazy as it sounds, last night I slept for 10 hours! NEVER happens. Thank you for the gift of this whole new life experience!

Kathleen Prophet
Los Angeles, CA


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“How can I explain that when I was angry with kale for not solving my health problems, Sue Ann helped me fall in love with those curly leaves all over again?”

… a coach and a friend on a journey that goes deeper and spreads wider into the corners of our lives than we can possibly imagine at the beginning of our time with her. How can I explain that when I was angry with kale for not solving my health problems, she somehow helped me fall in love with those curly green leaves all over again? Or, that when I was angry with myself for not solving my health problems, she was an intimate part of my journey to fall in love with myself all over again, too.

I have studied with Sue Ann for several years now, through sometimes dark and sometimes light times in my life and always she has helped shine a light on what I needed to look more closely at, in the gentlest and most loving ways possible. She is a fellow journeyer on the path to a fully embodied, lovely life and she never hesitates to share her own stories and her own vulnerability along the winding way onward towards our truest selves. I am proud to say I am a “lifer” on the Conscious Bites Campus and grateful to call Sue Ann my teacher and my friend.

Juli Ford
Plymouth, MA


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“Yes…food RAPTURE!! THIS is what I’m discovering.”

I am loving the sensual act of preparing each new recipe I try. I’m savoring the indulgence of taking an hour to prepare a meal FOR MY SELF … and I have the swagger of a seductress when I think about how helpless a man would be if I slid a plate of this new deliciousness in front him on a candle-lit table and then smiled with serene confidence in my creation, batting my eyelashes at him. I now understand how cooking can be used as a means of seduction. All in good time. For now, I’m quite content with seducing and pleasing my Self!
. . . food RAPTURE.

Cris Gladly
Orlando, FL


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“Forget the diet mentality, forget rules about food and eating—I’m learning to be a curious, compassionate steward of my body and its wisdom.”

In working with Sue Ann in her Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle, I discovered a new relationship with food and my body. I cut my coffee consumption in half, started slowing down during meals, instituted a “no device” policy while eating, and most important, began to really listen to my body. Forget the diet mentality, forget rules about food and eating—I’m learning to be a curious, compassionate steward of my body and its wisdom. This was the very best gift I could ever have given to myself. If you are ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime to bring joy back into your relationship with food and your body, I highly recommend Sue Ann’s approach.

Nona Jordan
Monument, CO


I’m so glad I enrolled in your Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle. I signed up months in advance and wondered how I would ever be able to wait. My anticipation was justified! You taught me to love, honor and have fun with food. You reconnected me to a very creative part of myself that had been forgotten. I let go of my long-held fear of certain foods and had so much fun experimenting in the kitchen. You create a wonderful community and your voice is like the most decadent dark chocolate: smooth, rich and divine. Thank you Sue Ann!


After years of crazy diets and beating myself up, you helped me release my negative attitudes around food. You taught me to slow down, savor the experience of cooking and eating, and love myself in the process. I no longer judge myself by the number on the scale or mindlessly stuff my face. Instead I eat what feels nourishing and enjoy every bite.

Words alone cannot describe shift I’ve experienced in my life from working with you in this program and just being part of your community. Not only am I slowing down and savoring my food, but I’m also slowing down and savoring my life.


I’d been following Sue Ann’s work for a while because I love chocolate for breakfast and I was so drawn to becoming more conscious about the food I was eating.

Being a part of the Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle was about so much more than food. Permission, reflection, self-compassion and healing are just a few words that come to mind.

As a mother of young children and a busy entrepreneur, I teach what I call “the art of guilt-free, non-negotiable self-care” and the importance of finding support and community. This beautiful journey gave me one more opportunity to practice what I preach.

I’m so grateful to you, Sue Ann, for holding this space for ME.


The Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle, with Sue Ann Gleason as our deep-caring leader, has turned my life around. Whereas I used to abhor and unconsciously abuse my body with stress and exhaustion, sugars and caffeine, I am now slowly, sometimes very slowly, learning to be more gentle and listen to my body a bit more.

I’m feeling much more hopeful. Some days my body feels almost like I always imagined it would. I’m “leaning in” to savoring food, avoiding sugars and caffeine, and wanting WNW foods more and more. Thanks to the moon and back again, Sue Ann.

Yes, I still go back to my old ways once in awhile, but I have great hope that in working with the Conscious Bites Concepts, I’ll heal, especially the adrenal fatigue that I didn’t even know I had before beginning this journey.
And, as a big bonus, I’m having a lot of fun preparing delicious, nutritious foods. Eating healthy is both creative and yummy.


Sue Ann, how can I begin to thank you? First, it’s been an honor to experience the breadth and depth of your true, authentic, gentle wisdom. Second, your knowledge on nourishment has changed my life, forever. I always knew there was a better “way” than all the totally restrictive “vegan/raw/this only and never that” kind of diets I’d put myself through. (Or the alternative “no-man’s junk-food land.”) You’ve taught me a holistic way of eating and it’s delicious!

One of your divine gifts is the teaching of savoring…to really know and experience food and life itself. The road of diets and restriction and weight frustration is one fraught with stop signs and pot holes-but the journey you took me on was more like a stroll through a lovely forest. Smelling, tasting, touching, feeling alive and deeply present in the food I’m eating or cooking, and aware of my body and what it needs. This gift is one I will take with me forever; a treasure I feel so grateful to have learned.

Moreover, your impeccability and the deep integrity in your work made me feel safe. I always felt confident that I was speaking to someone who truly knew both the science and the craft of artful eating, from the acid alkaline balance to how to create a delightful plate. This kind of wisdom doesn’t just change habits, it helps to form a lifestyle, which for me, is a far more sustainable way to approach the way I eat.

The integration of creativity as part of our nourishment story was priceless and unique. It is so obvious that you bring years of knowledge and countless hours of thought to your programs. Amazing! I could seriously keep on going, but I’m getting hungry! Time to make one of my Well-Nourished Woman creations…


The Well-Nourished Woman has truly been life changing for me. You opened up a new world full of wonder and delight! This is exactly what I needed in my life right now and I couldn’t be more grateful!

In addition to learning about how to nourish my body with rich, delicious foods, you developed a program that enlightened and fortified my soul. Each session opened my heart and mind to new ideas, new opportunities, and new beginnings. It has been exciting to be a part of a circle of women who share their journeys, as well as their talents and dreams.

Thank you, Sue Ann, from the bottom of my heart, for your teachings, your guidance, your coaching and also, your passion to share your knowledge and wisdom. These past twelve weeks have been a warm and nurturing nesting place, providing encouragement, strength, direction and hope – thank you for such an incredible gift!


Being a part of “The Well Nourished Woman” tribe has been transforming. In addition to a binder filled with luscious recipes you so generously shared, I walked away with a discovery of who I am and what I find pleasure in. For one thing, getting my hands back in the kitchen, experimenting with foods I had never cooked: pumpkin, squash, quinoa. Trying new recipes and allowing myself to eat foods that had been on the “forbidden list.” Being reminded of how much I loved to cook. Sue Ann, you changed the way I looked at the meals I planned. You gently encouraged me to look and describe food as nourishing my body in a positive, loving and healthy way.

Writing assignments that brought out the good times in my life, the love of family members, memories long ago forgotten. Learning how to “play” again. Allowing talents to evolve that I never knew existed! And having permission to enjoy myself and my life.

In selecting a picture of myself as a young child, happy in my Fathers embrace, I began to listen to that beautiful, innocent, loving little girl inside, who for all these years just wanted to be noticed.

Thank you Sue Ann for encouraging me to “keep the rhythm,” not only nourishing my body, but nourishing my soul.


Discovering “The Well Nourished Woman” has been life changing for me. I have to preface these comments with “I am not a cook!” In my son’s words, “She can cook, she just chooses not to.” Before this course I’d choose the garden, or drawing—anything but the kitchen.

Sue Ann Gleason’s approach to nourishment and my newly expanded view of “Artful Eating” have enlightened my thinking and my approach to food. Creating healthy, nutritious, artistic food is now front and centre in my life. I feel and look better and am committed to being a “Well-Nourished Woman” for the rest of my life.

But the food was only part of the puzzle. Nourishing my creativity, planning so that I would have more time for the other pleasures I enjoy, and getting my family involved were also key to my success. My one-on-one conversations with Sue Ann were key to my progress. Sue Ann inspired, nudged and helped me realize that this is a journey and it takes time. Even though I was not able to commit as much time to this course as I would have liked, I feel it is truly a SUCCESS for ME!

Knowing I have a community of amazing women who support each other throughout this adventure is a source of comfort and inspiration. Thanks to Sue Ann and all the “Well-Nourished Women” I know.


With your help, I learned not to merely feed myself, and my family, but to nourish us instead.

Before signing up for the Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle, I can honestly say that I had a love/hate relationship with food. Having achieved a comfortable size after struggling with my weight for most of my life, I was afraid to love food again. The Well-Nourished Woman program was truly life-changing for me. With your help, I learned not to merely feed myself and my family, but to nourish us instead. As a mother of a child with a chronic illness, nourishing not only myself but also my daughter was extremely important yet completely daunting. The tools, tips and shifts in thinking that I gained through this course have continued to serve me for the past 18 months. Not only has my body shape continued to change in a positive way, my daughter’s health has steadily improved and I feel like a better mother because I know that I am able to prepare food that nourishes and strengthens her body. In addition, I’ve been able to pass my knowledge to my daughter thereby empowering her as she thinks about how the foods she puts into her mouth affect her, nourish her, heal her and sustain her. I am so grateful to you Sue Ann, for this program and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to stop mindless eating and begin to delightfully nourish themselves and their families!


We live in a culture that creates the idea that we will never be thin enough, tight enough, good enough, pretty enough and so on. Forgiveness and letting go of all of this has given me a new perspective on food, body and diet. What would happen in the world if we just loved ourselves? What would happen if we, as women, loved each other and stopped the need to judge and measure and evaluate ourselves against an unrealistic standard set up for us by the diet, beauty and cosmetic industry?

Through your wise council and teachings, I now find my self surrounded with nourishing ideas, new approaches to old problems, support and love. Sue Ann, you are a master in your knowledge. Your gentle suggestions were important to me as I am such a rebel. I no longer diet. I nourish myself in more ways than eating. I am learning how to respect and nourish my mind, body and heart.

Thank you for encouraging me to be honest about my struggles and not be judged or pushed into eating things I hated. I am losing weight slowly and loving myself (and my body) where I am today. I am finding new ways to be active. I know this is a life long process.

Thank you, Sue Ann, for your wonderful work and passion for balance in nutrition and in life.


“I’ve taken two “field trips” to Whole Foods Market to explore. That was fun and more time than I’ve spent in a grocery store in a long time, since I’m usually shopping with my 3-year old. This is just a small example of how I am now choosing to take some time for myself-even in the midst of feeling like I’m falling behind in other obligations-which is hard for me to do. I’m trying very hard to keep myself closer to the top of the priority list.

And there are the little things, too. I’m backing away from coffee, slowly. I love the smell and flavor of good coffee, so I don’t know if I’ll give it up entirely. Other things have been catching my attention, too. I had some tortilla chips in the pantry last week. I took the time to smell them and really savor the flavor of the corn. I love pretty much anything made with corn-maybe it’s my Iowa heritage! Anyway, the chip wasn’t giving me the pleasure I really wanted from the corn and they smelled a little funny, like the oil wasn’t very good. The chips were organic and only had a few ingredients, but as it turned out, those ingredients just didn’t cut it for me. So…I threw the bag out. Eat only what you can savor, right? And those were not in the “savor” category. I know I won’t be swearing off tortilla chips, but I’ll keep looking for the one that’s going to satisfy me when I do crave that taste/feel. I look forward to ‘seeing’ you online. Thank you, Sue Ann!”


I am forever grateful for the Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle! Sue Ann, your support and inspiration is allowing me to seek a more balanced life full of joy, creativity, nourishment and living life to its fullest. Thank you with my whole heart. I’m feeling inspired to be creative with cooking. I’m feeling the fun in exploring new recipes with a fresh new awareness about what it means to gain nourishment and health. Thank you, thank you, thank you for launching me on this journey.


The Well Nourished Women Inner Circle was a welcoming space where I felt safe enough to explore, share, and try new experiences. Sue Ann artfully created a program that is full of information, resources and support without being overwhelming. I learned how to nourish my body with wonderful food while also learning to nourish my soul. Thank you Sue Ann for this experience. I am deeply appreciative.


I had such fun with the Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle. The content was interesting and useful and I found myself playing in the kitchen in ways I’d never imagined possible with Sue Ann’s enthusiastic leadership. I feel grateful to have found an inspiring teacher who nourished and nurtured me, and continues to do so.


My taste in food is changing. I‘m moving away from a desire for sweet things toward a real pleasure in “clean and light.” I’m excited by this discovery and truly enjoying this journey toward radiant health and true nourishment.


“Fantastic, is how I describe Sue Ann Gleason’s tele-seminars. I have worked with several nutritionists over the years and I’ve gone to them saying, “I’d like to lose weight.” Each time, I gained weight on their programs. Very frustrating. Sue Ann showed me how to create balance in my food choices and prepare fun, enjoyable, healthy foods. Most important, Sue Ann taught me how to ‘lighten up’ around my food issues and guess what? I’ve already lost a few pounds. Working with Sue Ann and the women she attracts is sheer delight!”


“Sue Ann’s belief in each person’s ability to take simple steps
to transform their lives leaves one thinking, “Yeah, I can do this!” Making changes in diet and lifestyle is so often presented as a matter of grim determination and endless deprivation. But after spending a few hours basking in Sue Ann’s vitality and enthusiasm, your only thought is, “I want what she’s having.”


And as if I wasn’t already a fan, I finally made your minty green smoothie and it literally changed my life—one of the most delicious things I’ve ever tasted. I made two batches and my husband and I drank it all in one sitting. I found myself using my fingers to “lick” the blender pitcher as if it were cookie dough. Unbelievable! Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us in your upcoming teleclass series.


“Love, love, love the gentle rhythms. In life, with food, and with everything really. I get so very mad at myself for not being perfect. I make elaborate lists or tracking mechanisms in Excel (sometimes with a green/yellow/red scorecard). I usually shoot for radical, harsh changes. Initially it feels good to set the goals, but then I feel like a failure when I stop using whatever “system” I created after only days or a week. Clearly my brain & body will appreciate a more compassionate approach.”


“I was intrigued by the Inner Circle Body Wisdom program because it was NOT another diet, but instead, offered information about changing your attitude, thoughts, and feelings regarding food. I have never found a diet that I could really stick to and I knew I needed help with my relationship with food. After participating in the Inner Circle teleclass series, I now think about the food I am eating—where it came from, and how it will make me feel. I don’t always make the most nutritious choices-sometimes I feed other needs, but with time I have changed my habits.

I have also discovered “the green smoothie.” If you had told me four months ago that I would be blending something “green” to drink for breakfast, I wouldn’t have believed you! But now, I enjoy the smoothie and I do not get hungry mid morning like I did when I was eating traditional breakfast foods. I will continue to build on the tools I have acquired so that I can enjoy my relationship with food and life!”


“Just wanted you to know how much I loved the call tonight—the history of diets and how you showed us the fallacy in each. This was very helpful. I really love your emphasis on listening to and nourishing your own body. This is not a skill that is taught in any of the “diet” plans out there, and why they ultimately fail. I think getting to the bottom of cravings and sluggishness is the only way to correct the problem for a lifetime. I am just beginning this journey but I love your non-judgmental approach. My journey can take exactly as long as I need and I can go at the pace that is right for me. This is truly liberating! “


“I signed up for Sue Ann’s Inner Circle Body Wisdom Boot Camp because I was completely fed up with eating the same boring foods day after day. Sometime my food choices made me feel great, but the next day my choices would leave me feeling tired and sick. I had read a lot about health and nutrition, so I was skeptical about that I’d learn anything I didn’t already know.

Apparently I had A LOT to learn. Not only did Sue Ann teach me that healthy food can be far more than salads and grilled meat, she helped me understand how food affects my body. Sue Ann never told me what to eat, or what not to eat (which is what most people think they need in a nutritional program), but I am somehow eating better that I have in my entire life, and I wasn’t a particularly horrible eater to begin with.

I also learned how to create delicious healthy meals without recipes AND I acquired a ton of recipes for the days I’m not feeling as creative.
Thank you, Sue Ann!”


“The community of support was what drew me into your Inner Circle Body Wisdom Boot Camp. Hearing how others were integrating the suggestions, the recipes and the rhythm was a meaningful aspect of my own growth over the past few months. I am filled with nourishment, beauty and satisfaction, not only in my food choices but at a much deeper level. I can almost sense my cells smiling. I have even reduced my supplements because my energy level is responding to the increase of vitamins and minerals right from nature.

I’m finding renewed balance as I strive each day to “keep the rhythm,” and I have even released eight “pounds of protection.” My clothes fit much better and I feel stronger and healthier inside and out. Even my skin feels better. What better way to do what you have always wanted to do-take good care of your lovely self!”


Confessions of a lifetime food hater… by Charlene

It never once occurred to me that I might have an eating disorder; I just didn’t like certain foods. Okay, most foods. Alright, I didn’t like anything but chocolate. While that’s a slight exaggeration, it’s not far from my ideal diet. I ate to survive. Food held little pleasure and no intrigue, it was simply a matter of eating what was the least distasteful in order to fuel ‘the machine’ so I could get on with the business of living.

And then I got sick. Very sick. And had to take some giant steps back and look at how diet and lifestyle were lethally combining to my detriment. It was on the Conscious Bites Campus that I began to take the first wobbly steps toward integrating body and soul nourishment to regain my health.

Through a combination of exercises designed to understand, and then reframe old ideas into new stories, I came to the realization—I have an eating disorder. . . read more


“As a trained Cordon Bleu chef, I had deep appreciation for your presentation tonight. It made me want to connect more with you. I also lived in a spiritual community for fourteen years where we had a 5-acre vegetable garden and raised our own meat. I loved cooking for everyone—putting up fruit, freezing vegetables, making bread and crackers and cheeses and yogurts. You brought me back to those days. I still love to cook. (and eat)”


Great teleclass tonight. Each message penetrates a little deeper with the variations and repetition. I now find myself enjoying three different types of greens in my smoothies.

In fact, I’ve been posting my smoothie combos on my FB page, and a couple of folks want to try them. One of my dearest friends lives a very solitary life and eats most meals out. He nibbles at home on triscuits and tuna. I periodically describe my smoothies to him—he who tried to put canned tuna in a smoothie (it was not a success). He acknowledged that both basil and cilantro in a smoothie sounds pretty tasty…maybe he’ll actually try it. I’m inviting him over for one of mine.

Now protein girl speaks: I prepare chicken and turkey from the farmer’s market and revel in the fresh, clean flavor. I experiment with new veggies, fruits, flavorings, oils, and dressings. I had a no-nitrite ham sandwich on a cheese roll a few days ago, and it was—as you said today—a treat, and not the fundamental portion of my meal. My ice cream sandwiches can sit in the freezer for days without me reaching in for one. There is, indeed, a gift in the shift.

Refreshed in LA,


After taking the “REAL Dirt on Detox” teleclass series last spring, I eagerly signed up for your fall program. To start, I loved the “mocktails.” Not only did you send us the recipes, but also the reasons why the ingredients are so good for us.

Since you sent us the MP3 recording of each class, I was able to enjoy the mocktail, pay attention to the content, and not worry about taking copious notes during the call. Afterwards, I would play the recording and pause it when I wanted to take notes. I now have a succinct summary of the calls that I have read and use often. I also liked sending you emails during the week with questions for you to address on the next call.

You covered a wide variety of topics on food, how to shop, and many delicious healthy recipes. You encouraged us to “upgrade” our food choices and make healthy doable changes to our diet. As a result, my husband and I have followed your “buddy up” suggestion. We set up our kitchen so that in the mornings, I make the green smoothies and he makes each of us a salad. Now, when I grocery shop or go to a farmers market, the majority of my basket is filled with fruits and

The emotional and physical clutter portions of your class were very helpful and gave us insight and helpful tips to make progress in these areas as well. When I go back over my notes, I am so impressed by the amount of information that you shared. You are always encouraging us to make permanent shifts in our lives, and your class is packed with the information and support to make that happen. I’m ready for the next series!


I want you to know how valuable your teleclasses are. I always take notes but last night I had so many things I wanted to write down that I ran out of paper! So I used a napkin, then the margins of my knitting pattern, then the envelopes in the mail, and finally, the outside of my tax folder. The information was so user-friendly I didn’t want to miss any of it. I like to know that I can listen again to your recordings and fill in the missing pieces. Thank you! This teleclass series was a real breakthrough for me.


Sue Ann, I do believe you came into my life at just the right time. From the first time I spoke to you, I was immediately drawn to you and have been reaping the rewards ever since. Your counseling and your teleclasses have been absolutely invaluable. You are such an incredible source of knowledge for me! I especially loved your Skin and Bones teleclass. Such great information. I truly hang on every word you speak. You have a gift of knowledge and a gift of sharing your knowledge in a most nurturing style. I anxiously await your next series. Thank you!!


Being a teleclass “junkie,” I’ve attended hundreds of of teleclasses over the past 4-5 years. Sue Ann’s Weightloss War Zone teleclass was “5-Star Outstanding”—certainly one of the top two ever for me!

I had a feeling when I signed up, I was in for something special and I was right. Sue Ann’s class was full of excellent content—skillfully constructed to engage, inspire and truly motivate her audience. I was fascinated with her approach to weight and weight loss struggles. Her unique, holistic approach offers hope and makes sense at a much deeper, intuitive level.

Sue Ann is an incredibly skilled teacher-counselor. As a participant, I felt so cared for. She created an environment where all of the participants felt safe, understood and motivated. Her passion, knowledge, caring presence and intriguing teleclass topics truly resonate with me. I eagerly anticipate our next series!


I enjoyed your teleclass series very much! The effort and care you put into preparing for each class was obvious and inspirational! I could hardly wait until the next week. One of my issues has been preparing and eating my food very quickly. It’s so much easier to buy a container of cut-up fruit than it is to cut everything up myself. Your teleclass reminded me to slow down and savor both my food and the process of preparing it. Fresh pineapple smells so good!


At times all this nutrition stuff can be overwhelming but you guided me to take little steps and not beat myself up about perfectionism. You have such a wealth of information! I never realized how much I skimped on fruits and vegetables. The American diet, at least for me, had been about meat and potatoes and how quickly we can put a huge meal on the table. I seemed to have forgotten about FRESH fruits and vegetables. What a change that made! Now, I don’t think I have ever felt so energetic and so happy in my life, even in my teens or twenties! Thank you, Sue Ann.


For me, it isn’t so much the nutritional nuggets of wisdom you impart. I have a pretty good sense of how to make healthy choices but I struggle to consistently live it out. The most positive impact I’ve experienced in your teleconferences and personal counseling is a heightened awareness of my snacking triggers and the discipline to conquer those flag-waving cravings. Thanks, Sue Ann! Keep those lectures coming.


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