I’m Not a Writer

I’ve been writing in some form or another ever since I could hold a pencil. I had an advantage over my peers: I could write with both hands. I’d like to say this was an ambidextrous feat, and in some ways it was. I definitely have some of that mixed dominance going on. The sadder truth is that when I was growing up it wasn’t ‘proper’ to write with your left hand. I don’t know if it was the nuns who communicated this to my mother, or my mother who convinced the nuns. I suspect they worked in consort. Nonetheless, I remember many an afternoon at the kitchen table practicing my letters with my right hand. The ‘right’ hand. Fingers gripping my #2 pencil, mouth moving with each loop and curl, line and letter. When my mother wasn’t looking, I simply switched back to the left.

As a child, I most certainly considered myself a writer, happily stapling reams of paper together to form books. Chapter books. Yet today, as an adult, as much as I write, I have great difficulty claiming the word writer. Maybe when I publish that New York Times bestseller. Maybe then. Yes, my standards are ridiculously high. No wonder I have difficulty calling myself a writer.

While it’s still a little scary for me to claim the “w” word, I am very comfortable with the word storyteller. I’ve been telling stories for most of my life. You can’t be a teacher and not find the magic in storytelling. So when Suzee asked me to participate in a blog hop where writers have an opportunity to write about their writing process, I accepted the challenge. Both in entering ‘the hop’ and in calling myself a writer. Even if it’s just for a day.

Here are the four questions she posed. Next week Cindy R. Lamothe, Patricia Saxton, and Denise Ellis Stewart will share their thoughts on writing. You can check out their blogs below.

1. What am I working on/writing?

Right now I’m writing the content for an online course I’m developing in the context of my Luscious Legacy Project. My mission around food and nourishment is that we shine a light on the positive aspects of food and the joy we bring to the table when we honor our lineage, our stories, and our foodie sensibility. In my work as a nourishment counselor, I have witnessed far too many women tortured by their relationship with food. I want us, collectively, to leave a more luscious legacy to our children. So this project is a celebration of food. I’m writing snippets of my own story and creating a course where women can engage with writing prompts, and with me, to create an art journal or ebook chronicling some of their food stories and curating the recipes they’d like to pass along to their families and loved ones. > early interest list

2. How does my work/writing differ from others of its genre?

I see a lot of prescriptive writing in the health and wellness field. I try to stay away from that kind of writing. I don’t claim to have the answers, the formula, the 5 E-A-S-Y steps. I share my observations, my reflections, my struggles, and whatever wisdom I can claim in the moment. I believe that when we tell the truth of our experience, we give others the opportunity to find the truth in theirs. I also have a deep respect for the way our words show up on a page. You will never see me interrupt my writing with a “tweet this!” message. I trust that if you are inspired to share my post, you’ll find the share buttons at the bottom of the page.

3. Why do I write what I do?

I spent thirty years of my life growing young writers and cultivating the artist in the children I taught. I loved every minute of that adventure but during those years I had very little time to pursue my own creative expression. Teaching was my art. When I retired, I had no idea where this second half of life would take me. I went back to school. I even started a whole new career. And, in the process of creating this new career, I rediscovered my camera and my pen.

My camera gives me an opportunity to capture beauty wherever I see it. Most of my photos involve a plate, but recently, I made a pact with myself to stretch out of my comfort zone (food photography) and use my camera as a tool for noticing the smaller details in the world around me. The ones that go unnoticed when I fall back into my all-work-no play persona. I’m calling this practice 365 days of noticing.

And the pen, oh the pen. Much of my writing takes place in the context of my work but I find that the quiet writing, the writing I do when I’m not having to hit the publish button on a post, that writing has opened up my heart. There is a great quote by Gordon Lish: “Wear your heart on the page, and people will read to find out how you solved being alive.” I think I ‘write’ to find out how I solved being alive.

4. How does my writing process work?


I couldn’t resist. I’d like to say that I begin each day with Julia Cameron’s morning pages and a cup of herbal tea, sunlight streaming across my journal as words flow effortlessly onto the page. I have never been able to write those morning pages, though I love the idea. Sometimes, when I have a lot on my mind and I’m worried that restless mind will keep me from enjoying the restorative sleep I so passionately advocate, I’ll engage in ‘evening pages’. I write down all the things I fear I’ll forget to do or say or create. So I can sleep. The rest of my writing process looks pretty much like the delightful cartoon above. (You can find more of Tom Gauld’s brilliance right here.)

My fellow blogging beauties. Check them out.


Lynne and Suzee are sisters, the two youngest of five siblings. They share their “art and soul,” creative expressions, personal inspirations, thoughts and dreams at Two Poppies.

Lynne is a mom of four who bounces all over the country with her Air Force pilot hubby. She loves discovering new places to travel and adventure. Capturing real life with her camera (morning walks, road trips, and the baby squirrels they fostered) is her idea of a good time.

Suzee lives in Orange County, California (her entire life!) and has two lovely beach- and animal-loving girls. She is married to her fellow entrepreneurial husband and enjoys being active, creative, adventurous, and living with a sense of curiosity, awe, and wonder.

They combined their talents (bilingual teacher and graphic designer) in a joint venture, Multicultural Kids, where you’ll find all kinds of products that encourage children to discover and appreciate the amazing world and all of its people. They are in the process of producing their first book, A Beautiful Rainbow World, a children’s photography book with photos from around the globe which will be out in June and is available for pre-order.



Cindy R. Lamothe is an expat living in Antigua, Guatemala with her loving husband, David and two small turtles. She has earned her B.A. in Communications with an emphasis in Journalism. She is a writer, social media strategist, inspirationalist, and lover of life. Her work has appeared in online magazines and websites including: The Manifest-Station and Sweatpants and Coffee as well as other publications. Cindy’s quirky personality and passion for travel has led her down many strange paths, harnessing her appreciation for beauty and innate wildness. Get to know her on Facebook, Twitter and her personal website crlamothe.com, where she encourages others to let go of fear and live authentically.


Somewhere around the age of 3, Patricia Saxton picked up a pencil and never quite put it down. A multi-disciplined artist, Patricia is an award-winning graphic designer, illustrator, writer, and fine artist. Creative Director of design firm Saxton Studio, serving up exceptional branding solutions for Fortune 500 companies through individual entrepreneurs, she’s also the author/illustrator of 2 best-selling children’s books, A Book of Fairies and The Book of Mermaids, and the inspirational design book 52 Weeks of Peace. Her paintings have exhibited widely and hang in private collections throughout the U.S. On a personal note, as a 24/7 single Mom, Patricia has come to see her work as a real-time, real-life experiment in “doing what you love.” (p.s: it’s not always easy, but chocolate helps.)

You can follow Patricia at any or all of these hot spots: Saxton Studio Blog, Saxton Studio Website, Her Author Page, Facebook / Saxton Studio, Facebook / 52 Weeks of Peace, and Twitter @saxtonstudio



Denise Ellis Stewart is a professional organizer, feng shui consultant, blogger and art enthusiast. She works closely with clients to help them let go of the physical clutter in their homes so that they can fully experience the transformative power in creating a home environment that feels more like a peaceful sanctuary than a place to hang your hat. Denise launched her blog three years ago during a period of intense personal transformation and continues to share her journey on those pages. When not writing, organizing, or studying the healing power of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), you’ll find her walking her dogs, stretching in a yoga class, or hanging out with her family. You can connect with her in any of these places: Blog, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.


I’d love to hear from YOU in the comment section below. Where does writing fit into your one precious life?

47 thoughts on “I’m Not a Writer”

  1. blank

    365 days of noticing the smaller details can allow you to see the bigger pictures. I feel that the details are where the nuggets of love are. Can’t wait to see what you discover!

    Also, thank you for sharing your blogging beauties, I’ll pop over and see what they are saying.

  2. blank

    Hello Sue Ann – what a lovely article – the words jumped out at me and were kindly caressing me to continue to share my journey with my writing. I resonated with this quote completely – “Wear your heart on the page, and people will read to find out how you solved being alive.”
    Thank you for a beautiful illustration of words depicting life xx

  3. blank

    Sue Ann I’m also a Morning Pages Wanna Be. I will do it, hopefully soon.

    I love this project! And, as a social media expert, I gasped a little at the “no click to tweets in MY messages” 🙂 It makes sense for you though, and that’s the beauty of social media, there’s a perfect strategy for everyone.

  4. blank

    Sue Ann I am also a leftie who was forced to use my right hand. I’m also morning pages wanna be. I have kept journals all my life. I journalled every lecture and experience lab during my MA. Hmmmm, I am not sure where my writing fits in? I like to write about crushing limiting beliefs and how my experiences has shown up as beautiful nudges, lessons along the way. I will ponder that question because it stopped me for a moment,there is something there which is timely. Beautiful post. D xo

    1. blank

      Thank you, Dana. I’m intrigued by your reflection and eager to hear what you find when you dig a little deeper. I love the contrast between crushing limiting beliefs and beautiful nudges. I suspect the writing that emerges here will be a beautiful representation of the softening that occurs when we put pen to paper. Thank you for reading and responding to my blog post.

  5. blank

    You most certainly have become a writer. An exceptional one. Your insights and cues may provide *fodder* (or is that *foodie*?) as inspiration but, more importantly, you have developed your own special voice … with its own unique style, tone, rhythm, and cadence. Long gone are the days of those dangling participles and serial commas. I’m so very, very proud of you–even if you still do type ambidextrously, favoring those two fingers! 😉

    1. blank

      Fastest two-finger typist on the planet! Ha, ha, I mourn the day the rebel in me said NO to typing class because there far more interesting electives. What was I thinking? LOL

  6. blank
    Elizabeth MacLeod

    Well, I”m a morning pages wanderer . . . I rarely write my thoughts at that morning time, although I do consciously let my mind wander then, as that’s when some inspiration comes. I find that if something really cool comes, then if I somehow act on it during the day, then it becomes something wonderful…. in fact that happened yesterday with my new ecourse … and I jumped out of bed and knew exactly what I was going to do… and then did it… 12 ten minute videos in one day.

    I love the way you write. I love the way you put words together. I love the way you place your heart on the page. I love how you do that with no judgement, just acknowledgement of your process . . . the permission it gives, just by the doing of it, is relaxing. I love those questions too, I’m wondering… what I might answer . . . so when I have a few minutes, I may answer them and see what lives under my pen.

    For me… I didn’t think I was a writer growing up. Read one book…but that’s another story… But oh, when people write about life… that pulls me in… as I wrote to understand the journey, and heed the knowing that comes when I open to allow the wisdom in…. I could write a reply for ever to this blog this morning!!! How fun is that!!!! xoxo

  7. blank

    I love that, Elizabeth, and I have the same appreciation for YOUR writing. It always takes me deeper into self and reminds me of a time or place I had forgotten. How magical is that? I want to know more about “read one book.” Oh the intrigue!

  8. blank

    Sue Ann…You have a keen way of expressing your thoughts and observations in print. I am sure your parents encouraged you. I tend to express my thoughts and ideas in oral conversation which limits my reach.

  9. blank
    Sue Ann Gleason

    Yes, Sam, my dad kept a file of my writing so I could look at it in later years. I remember many a night where he and I would sit at the dining room table for hours working on a class project and playing with all of his little tools and tricks: straight edge, gum eraser, charcoal pencils, paint. Fond memories, indeed. I suspect you might surprise yourself if you grabbed a pencil and paper and simply started writing. My favorite prompt is, “I Remember.” Go, ahead. See what comes out.

  10. blank

    I am a writer. But I wasn’t one of those children who made books constantly. No, rather I discovered it in my mid-forties. Then, it took me a couple of decades to establish a regular writing practice. I just retired yesterday, a decade later than most, from teaching early childhood and preschool, so that can pursue my writing and illustrating of children’s books even more. I must admit that I do write morning pages every day. For me it’s the anchor for the day. My art has been harder for me to establish as a regular practice, perhaps because it is my true passion. I thank you Sue Ann for nudging me to finally retire to write and do art (though I may be an art teacher for 2 afternoons a week.).

    1. blank

      Yay, Judith! Congratulations on your retirement. May this next half of your life nurture you in ways you never imagined. I look forward to watching you pursue your passions with more grace and ease.

  11. blank

    Sue Ann. My husband had the same experience as a child, being ambidextrous and his mom making him write every day with his “right hand so he can be “normal”. I love your graphic. That was me forever. Until I finally sat my butt down and started writing no matter how my desk looked. Haha! Oh, and I believe you *are* a writer.

    1. blank
      Sue Ann Gleason

      Tania, I’m chuckling here as I read your words, “Until I finally sat my butt down and started writing no matter how my desk looked.” I am so with you on that. Sometimes I have to just call a ‘time out’ and say, “Distractions be gone!” and then set a timer, butt in chair, and keep writing until it dings. Tell your husband I am celebrating ambidextrous with him.

  12. blank

    Sue Ann, your writing is so easy to read:) It feels like a gift to be able to express the way you do.

    More than 20 years ago now, I faithfully did morning pages. It was how I made the transition from classroom teaching to running my own school.

    I kept journals from age 12-37. Then I had a huge life awakening and read the journals…I realized I’d been writing the same thing over and over. I burned all those journals that day and told myself ‘no more journalling’. I could not see the point anymore.

    Now I take notes from things I’ve read. The only writing I really do is for projects and for my own blog but I do struggle with that. Right now, I’m a reluctant writer. Who knows? Maybe I’ll make another shift and find myself truly enjoying it again.

    I know that the key is likely to write daily and just write daily…like daily. Right?:)

    1. blank
      Sue Ann Gleason

      That’s so interesting, Susan. The piece about discovering that you were writing the same thing over and over. I had a similar experience when I opened an old journal and noticed I had been struggling with the same thing years earlier. That moment really served as a catalyst for me to “rewrite the script,” once and for all. Ha, ha, I still see old stories emerge but I’m far more compassionate with myself now. Thank you so much for sharing that. And yes, I think we become reluctant writers when it begins to feel more like a chore than a joy, or in some cases, a necessary process. I like the idea of keeping a writer’s notebook and writing when I feel called to write rather than because I’m supposed to write. That quiets the rebel in me.

  13. blank

    “You will never see me interrupt my writing with a “tweet this!” message. I trust that if you are inspired to share my post, you’ll find the share buttons at the bottom of the page.” Thanks for this trust!

    I love the truth about workspace arrangement. Made me laugh.

    One of the things I love most about reading your writing – aside from the wonderful flow – is listening to how you uncover and understand other people, Sue Ann. So lovely.

    1. blank
      Sue Ann Gleason

      Thank you, Rebecca. And thank YOU for being such a beautiful witness to the words that flow out of me. You have given me so much courage in this arena.

  14. blank

    Sue Ann this brought up so many different thoughts for me. I never cease to be amazed at the cockamamie things that were forced upon people. The whole concept that being left handed was some sort of evil—so outrageous. I am sorry you were forced to endure that bit of insanity. In terms of being a writer, I have a lot of feelings and emotions around that one. I am an insatiable reader. I could read endlessly for the rest of my days and be very content. So when I put my business online last year and suddenly needed to write? Yikes. I was so intimidated. I was also super critical of myself. But having the self imposed necessity of posting every week has helped. I realize it is not about the perfection of the syntax or getting every preposition in its place–it is about the message that I hope to convey. It has been a learning experience and a way for me to practice what I preach, being gentle with yourself. Even this comment feels rambling, but that isn’t what matters, right?

    1. blank
      Sue Ann Gleason

      I know, right? Think about all the creative left-handed children out there who were chastised for writing with the “wrong” hand. And we wonder why our psyches are so damaged! Yes, I think having a self-imposed writing practice in the form of a blog is very helpful and also very intimidating. For me it’s a lesson in self-compassion. Oh, I don’t have to be perfect at this? I need only keep writing and trust that my writing will reach exactly the person it needs to reach? Splendid! The bonus is that we become better writers in spite of our inner critic. I love that. Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. And it wasn’t a ramble at all.

  15. blank

    I love reading your words, Sue Ann. Are they like velvet…smooth, soft and gentle. Your thoughts glide upon the page and give me us a window into your life’s journey. Thank you for sharing!

  16. blank

    Hi Sue Ann,
    I did not realise you were a teacher. No wonder I love you so much! 🙂
    I love your article and I love the way your words make everything sound so inviting, from writing to chocolate…. I think I’ll try both! 🙂

  17. blank

    I have dabbled with morning pages as well, and I am with you on the “evening” pages. Try as I might, the morning time always seems to be filled with distraction (the dog, the cat, the chickens, the kids) and I then feel the pressure of time. At night time the only thing I have to fight with is my sleep!

  18. blank

    #4. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! So true, so true, so true.

    Morning pages never resonated with me.

    When I first heard “A*# in chair”, it resonated with me. I learned that one from a screenwriter.

    Although… since I’ve never been a fan of vulgarities, I’ve changed it to my version: Tushie in chair. Much softer. More me. And it really works. Go figure! 😀

    I heart your writing, Sue Ann. xo

  19. blank

    If you don’t like the term writer, perhaps you should call yourself a painter, because of the images you evoke in every piece you compose. Then again, that might be too 2D…your writing evokes tastes, smells, and draws us (me) body & soul into whatever scene you’ve set.

    Though I’ve been reluctant to call myself a writer, having friends who work very hard in their careers as professional authors, journalists, playwrights, I look at the box full of journals I’ve filled, see the year’s worth of blog posts, I might have to reasses.

    Whatever we are, we’re artists, pouring our creativity into whichever medium happens to be at handin the moment.

  20. blank

    Dear Sue Ann, much of what you write resonated! Yes I was a left hander, noticing – I have my own noticing journal too, and experience rather than telling as a way of writing! A big YES me too! So lovely to hear of your life and your family, friends and husband. Your writing comes across as a gentle, wise soul. Xxx

  21. blank
    Patricia Saxton

    You know I love your writing, Sue Ann, and I don’t say that lightly! A delight to read; beautifully expressed. xo

  22. blank

    Beautiful writing. I love the little comic. I quit smoking about 25 years ago and that comic is a great indication of what my routine looked like after the fog lifted. Thanks.

  23. blank

    oh sue ann, how very happy i am that you ARE a writer. each time i read your words, i welcome the sheer deliciousness into my world. and i especially love your answer to #2. no matter what the social media experts say, i simply cannot allow calls-to-action to interrupt the flow of writing either. (by the way, i DO begin each day with my morning pages and my latte – lovingly prepared by my husband. and i take great offense when something interferes with this ritual. 🙂 )

  24. blank

    Hi Sue Ann,

    I started writing after I decided to homeschool my autistic son. I used blogging as an outlet. It was called “Little Oasis.” I was so lost and distraught — trying to find my way to the light at the end of the tunnel — trying to figure out how to heal my son.

    It was a personal blog to myself, my family and friends. A few people found me on the internet, and that is when i realized the power of SEO.

    Since then I have grown, and I absolutely love it. I let “Little Oasis” go and used the morning pages technique, but I wasn’t consistent. Now, I just write my daily lessons and thank you’s. Short and sweet works for me.

    Tnanks so much for sharing!

  25. blank

    Sue Ann, your words are a gift to the world — and to me. I linger on your every thought, nodding to myself. “She knows…” Thank you.

    P.S. I do hope a memoir is on your list of things to write!

  26. blank

    Hey! I just finally read this beautiful post… thank you for joining us on this fun blog hop! I have been peeking at the lovely ladies who you asked to participate ~ wow! Peace.

  27. blank

    I loved the title and couldn’t wait to see what you were going to say. I am a lefty and so is S. I heard about nuns making sure no one wrote with their “sinister” hand. How cruel!

    I’ve always identified with being a writer and somehow in this Internet age other things came into play and I got distracted. But now I am heading in that direction again though I can definitely relate to the procrastination bit, although since having S, I’m much better at using my time wisely. I find it fascinating how my brain works: I can be working on all the other stuff I do, but when I tell myself that I have three hours to write fiction, which is my true love, (I usually go somewhere where there’s no WiFi) it flows magically, as if I’ve created this other world that I enter. Which is what novels are, I suppose.

    In any case, I always love reading YOUR writing and look forward to that memoir, which no doubt will be a NY Times Bestseller.

    1. blank

      Oh Tracey, I can relate. Every week I ‘begin again’ knowing I have to make a choice to balance my online time with my quiet writing time. And then there’s my business hanging over my head saying, “What about me? Don’t forget me!” I can’t wait to see your book in print!

  28. blank

    What a joy to be one of your “ripples” in this blog hop, Sue Ann. I arrive by wave of Patricia. Loved my time here and so relate to what you share. (How could I not?) As a right-handed muse, I have to say some of my most inspired writing comes through the childlike scribbles of my left hand … a practice I use to loosen things up and get that right brain in gear. So, YOU, my dear, are one of the lucky ones and THAT, my dear, shows in what you share here. Enjoyed!

  29. blank

    To be honest I have been saving this blog post to really savor it, every word and meaning of it. I am so happy and grateful that you are writing Sue Ann. And in your own authentic way.
    Your ‘confession’ about the morning pages made me giggle.
    I have found the morning pages really helpful but they take too long to write so I actually do not write them regularly. Sometimes once a week, sometimes only two pages.
    For me writing is as important as reading and I have wanted to write a book since I was a child – came up with and idea 5 years ago and finally joined a writing club last Autumn.
    Talk about being a late bloomer…

    Just like someone else commented – thanks for giving your readers the space to decide what we want to do with a blog post – this “tweet this” kind of thing has been irritating the heck out of me for a time now 🙂

    Looking forward to more of your writings and that New York bestseller 🙂


    1. blank

      Carina, just knowing you hang on to one of my posts to “savor later” gives me the incentive to keep writing. Thank you for reading and responding to my posts and being such an active member of my community. xxxooo

  30. blank

    Thank you everyone for reading and responding so warmly to this blog post. The procrastinator in me wants to respond to each and every one of you but the ‘writer’ says it’s time to write. xxxooo

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